Perceived self-efficacy and supportive attitude in mother-son interaction. Concept, measurement and cross relationships


  • Mercedes Zurdo Garay-Gordovil


Percived maternal self-efficacy, Maternal supportive attitude, Parental competence.


This paper has been developed from the doctoral thesis entitled Emotionaland Cognitive Determinants of Maternal Responses when ConflictiveInteracting with their Children (Zurdo, 2011). Said research was carried outwith mothers from Cusco (Peru) and their children. Two scales are proposed designed to measure maternal perceived self-efficacy and maternal supportive attitude: Both elements are essential to mother-child interactions because of their interconnection as well as with critical factors for raising and educating children with in the family environment. These instruments are offered to readers given their potential usefulness to the professional practice and as steps for further research and also because the results obtained from the statistical analysis may conceptually enrich the underlying constructs.

Author Biography

Mercedes Zurdo Garay-Gordovil

Licenciada en Filosofía y Letras-Ciencias de la Educación por la UniversidadPontificia Comillas de Madrid y Licenciada en Psicología Educacional por la UNED.Doctora por la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de la Universidad PontificiaComillas de Madrid. Coordinadora del Área de Educación de la Asociación Educacióny Desarrollo de Cusco (Perú).

