Solidarity to myself


  • Luis C. Olaya A. Universidad del Rosario


Protest, Kidnapping, Act of solidarity


This article will describe the acts that took place in the early nineties in Colombia, which started the first demonstrations and protests against the cruel act of kidnapping. This description will be addressed as an act of solidarity to Colombian kidnapped people at that time. Then, the article will try to problematize through a detailed analysis, the discrepancies which, in philosophical terms, can be found in the concept of solidarity and its material manifestation.

Author Biography

Luis C. Olaya A., Universidad del Rosario

Profesional con estudios en Ciencia Política y Gobierno de la Universidad del Rosario, Colombia. Estudiante de la Maestría en Estudios en Psicoanálisis, Subjetividad y Cultura de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Becario del programa Jóvenes Investigadores de Colciencias asociado al proyecto de investigación: Motivos ycausas de las movilizaciones contra el secuestro en Colombia, de cuyos avances este artículo es resultado.

