The public system of social services, guaranteeing citizenship's social rights. Responsibility of the three administrations


  • María Isabel López Serrano Vocal de Servicios Sociales, Autonomía y Dependencia de la Junta de Gobierno del Colegio Profesional de Trabajadores Sociales de Madrid.


Human and social rights, public system of social services, Concerted Plan, fragmentation, visibility, dependency act, policy planning, strategic planning, new model of local organization, professional of reference.


The Public System of Social Services must be the guarantor of Social Rights of Citizenship and a responsibility of the three administrations. We propose a review of the current situation, and of the weaknesses and opportunitiesof our legislation, which have been forgotten. We, the Social Workers Associationin Madrid, make a proposal to reactivate the consolidation of the Social Servicesin the Community of Madrid defending the social worker as a professionalof reference.

