Utopia and dystopia in the travel stories of Javier Reverte: the case of La canción de Mbama


  • Antoine Bouba Kidakou


utopia, dystopia, ideosema, travel, Africa.


Considered as the best Spanish writer of travel books on black Africa in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Javier Reverte has produced numerous travel books in which he recorded his impressions on African society. However, in La Canción de Mbama, the author does not derogate from the literary tradition of travel writing, consisting mainly of utopic or dystopic approaches toward the visited territories through a clever use of the characters, rhetoric and some of the topics of the genre. This paper aims at analyzing these structuring elements of the book, considered as ideosemas in order to discover the main messages the text offers on African society.

Author Biography

Antoine Bouba Kidakou

Université de Maroua (Camerún)