The fragmented self: personality disorders in postmodernity


  • Carlos Cortés Martínez
  • Gonzalo Aza Blanc


postmodernism, personality disorders, fragmentation of the self, personalization.


Postmodernism is considered to be the historical stage located between the 70s and today. The main features of this period revert to cultural and ideological conceptions. Some of them are: individualism, materialism, the rise of new technologies, globalization, critique of rationalism and body worship. After the start of the postmodern age and its development, the field of mental health has experienced a noticeable increase in personality disorders, among others. In this essay, we review the possible relationship between postmodernism and the genesis of personality disorders, taking in account two basic phenomena of this age: personalization (increase of individualism, an existential conception based on the self) and fragmentation of the self (difficulty to integrate into an experience of coherent identity, the wide range of influences and references of other individuals through the use of new technologies).

Author Biographies

Carlos Cortés Martínez

Alumno titulado del Grado en Psicología.

Gonzalo Aza Blanc

Profesor del Departamento de Psicología. Universidad Pontificia Comillas.