El trabajo social en las universidades jesuitas


  • Fernando Vidal Fernández


Social Work, Jesuit Education, University.


This paper celebrates the 50º anniversary of our Social Work School created from the spirituality of Saint Vicente of Paul and recreated by the spirituality of the Jesuits. Deepening into these traditions still reserves a lot of potencials which could enrich the Social Work around us. This study exams the way of procedure of the Jesuits in the development of the Social Work in their universities along the world since more than ninety years ago. The result of that visit is that it exists an enlightening and empowering paradigm for the poor people. In the paper we expose systematically their characteristics and potencials. This Jesuit university project for the Social Work is based in the Jesuit educational wisdom and in the development of the social mission in the last fifty years, especially by the leadership of Father Arrupe, by the testimony of the Theology of the Liberation —especially by the martyrdom of Father Ellacuría— and by the government of Father Kolvenbach.

Author Biography

Fernando Vidal Fernández

Doctor en Sociología y profesor titular del Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid.