Evaluación de la formación que reciben los solicitantes de adopción internacional en la Comunidad de Madrid


  • Juan Pedro Núñez Partido
  • Sagrario Núñez González


International adoption, Formation to parents.


The present study get the evaluation that parents have done about formation they received from Madrid government as applicants of international adoption. This formation is a previous step to begin adoption process. The sample is composed by 377 applicants of international adoption that received this formation in 2001. Results indicate participants value positively this formation, but they are also several aspects that should be improved. Some characteristics of applicants are identified to adapt formation to their necessities.

Author Biographies

Juan Pedro Núñez Partido

Profesor de Psicología de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Sagrario Núñez González

Psicopedagoga. Especialista en Asesoramiento y Mediación Familiar.