Experiences of impact assessment in development aid in Latin America


  • Pablo Biderbost Moyano Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Jimena Manuela Jiménez Real Universidad de San Martín Buenos Aires


Latin America, impact assessment, development aid, good practice


This article aims at shedding light on the specific mechanisms of impact assessment applied in the context of development aid experiences in which Latin American countries have had a leading role (as recipients or donors of such aid). Firstly, recent socioeconomic trends in the region are listed. This first section provides information on the sociological setting where the development aid programs to be analyzed have been built. Secondly, available mechanisms of impact assessment are reviewed in order to place the different Latin American experiences, addressed in the appropriate categories. Thirdly, Latin American experiences of development aid meeting the double condition of, on the one hand, having been referred to as «good practice» by international organizations, and, on the other, having applied strict processes of impact assessment, are presented in a systematized and integral manner. Fourthly, this chapter ends with conclusions synthesizing the main trends found in the analyzed projects.

Author Biographies

Pablo Biderbost Moyano, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Founding partner of Biderbost, Boscán & Rochin (BB&R). Associate Professor at Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Senior Researcher at FLACSO-España. Member of the Board of Directors of Peru’s Chamber of Commerce in Spain. Former researcher at the Institute of Ibero-American Studies at Universidad de Salamanca. He has worked for the Argentinean Institute of Corporate Social Responsibility and for the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights. He has been a consultant for the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, UNESCO, the European Union, EU-LAC Foundation, the Canadian Government and International Organization for Migration. He is a member of the Jury of the Calvez Prize to Civic Responsibility of the Social-Ecumenic Forum. He has been a Visiting Researcher at Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Mexico) and at Nuffield College of Oxford University. He has been a teacher at Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Universidad de Girona, Universität Tübingen, Autonomous University of Baja California, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa and Universidad Católica de Salta. He specializes in e-government, social innovation, monitoring and assessment of public policies and in the political dimension of migratory processes. He holds a PhD in Political Science and a Master’s degree in Latin American Studies, both from Universidad de Salamanca. He has a Postgraduate diploma in Design and Evaluation of Public Policies from FLACSO-Argentina. He graduated in Political Science at Universidad Católica de Córdoba.

Jimena Manuela Jiménez Real, Universidad de San Martín Buenos Aires

Graduated in International Relations and Translation and Interpretation at Universidad Pontificia Comillas. She has been a visiting student at American University (Washington, D. C.). Student of the Master’s degree in Latin American Studies at Universidad de San Martín (Argentina). She has worked at Ayuda en Acción and volunteered as an interpreter and assistant for ACCEM (Asociación Comisión Católica Española de Migraciones).


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