The (absence of) terminological equivalence in translation of American last wills and testaments into Spanish


  • Carolina García Pérez


Specialized translation, legal translation, civil law, human rights, inheritance law, testate succession, will and testament, trust, personal representatives.


In recent years, translation of wills in Spain has acquired a great importance within the field of legal translation. The growing demand for this type of translation orders in coastal areas, where a large number of foreign residents have settled, has contributed to making it one of the most translated genres.This article discusses the translation of a last will and testament from the state of Florida (USA) with two objectives: first, to analyse the general characteristics of American wills and succession processes of the state in which it happens; and secondly, to identify translation problems encountered while proposing different solutions in order to safeguard the legal effect of the original text and the role to be fulfilled by the translation at the time of receipt.


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