Psychotherapy and postmodernity


  • Álvaro Amores Hernández Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Psychotherapy, postmodernism culture, western society


Using culture’s influence on individuals as a starting point, this paper offers a bibliographical analysis of the answers that psychotherapy has given to the transformations that have taken place in Western society during the postmodern era. To that end, we take as our reference some of the characteristics of postmodernism that have been more influential for Western citizens: the loss of «big models», self-sufficient individualism, the «tyranny of choice», changes in the media and the concept of «liquid society». In turn, these changes in culture have brought about variations in the psychotherapist’s and the patient’s respective roles. Despite some common features, the way of considering those transformations varies across psychological schools of thought. Because of that, we also provide a short analysis of some of the most important points from psychoanalysis, humanistic therapy, constructivism and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Finally, in relation to the increasing pace of changes in Western society, we turn our attention to some issues that have not yet been studied by Psychotherapy and hence suggest possible research lines for the future.


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