Focusing and quantum physics


  • Tomeu Barceló


Experiencing, Complex systems, Symbolizing, Involving, Occurrences, Actualizing tendency, Self-propulsion


Quantum physics revolutionized the foundations of traditional physics and represented a new paradigm for understanding the phenomena of nature. Eugene Gendlin, in focusing and experiential philosophy, raised a new framework to understand the subjectivity of the person and the underlying physical and emotional processes. In this article we try to glimpse similarities between some of the contributions of modern physics and Gendlin’s experiential philosophy. Some and other they open us a deep look to understand the phenomena of the world and of the people.

Author Biography

Tomeu Barceló

Profesor, terapeuta, filólogo, filósofo, especialista en dinámica de grupos yrelaciones humanas, Certified Focusing Professional (Trainer), Focusing Oriented Psychotherapist, y Certifiyng Coordinator por el The Focusing Institute of New York,Coordinador Nacional del Instituto Español de Focusing, Director del Institut deFormació Ramon Serra (Palma de Mallorca), Consultor Internacional del Centro dePsicología Humanista de Minas Gerais (Brasil), miembro del The Focusing Institutede Nueva York y de la World Association for Person-Centered and ExperientialPsychoterapy and Counseling, Secretario de la Asociación Iberoamericana del EnfoqueCentrado en la Persona, Vicepresidente de la Fundació Esplai de les Illes Balears. Autorde los libros: Centrar-se en les Persones, Crecer en Grupo y Entre Personas;coautor de Manual Práctico del Focusing de Gendlin.




