Cuestionario on-line para la evaluación de las preferencias, valores vocacionales y expectativas de continuidad de estudios de los alumnos de secundaria y bachillerato: valoración de los orientadores-expertos
Internet career assessment, online administration, internet questionnaire, paper-and-pencil questionnaire, vocational interest.Abstract
In this work we present the evaluation of the expert counsellors of the «Questionnaire online for the evaluation of the vocational interests, vocational values and the academic expectations of the secondary students». This questionnaire is used as an online instrument to know the vocational behaviour indicators included in the «Observatory of vocational interests of the secondary students of Madrid Community: The Orion Project». This questionnaire online has turned out to be very positively valued by the expert counsellors who applied this instrument in your Schools during the year 2005/2006. Also was considered as a relevant activity of vocational reflection and of clarification of vocational decisions of the secondary students.
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