Construyendo el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior


  • Silvia Giménez Rodríguez Universidad Pontificia Comillas


European Higher Education Area, university counselling, university academic tutoring, university mentoring.


The Universidad Pontificia Comillas is a reference to take into account in the transit to the new model of the European Higher Education Area, since it has attached historically in its pedagogic model, the personalized tutorial. This article is due to a reflection on the data obtained after ten years of experience in the development of tutorial tasks in the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, with students of the first year who, in consequence, have just joined the University. My initial hypothesis is the following: «The students use the tutorial in greater proportion for personal support than academic support». The sample for this work comprises all the students in the first year to get a diploma in Trabajo Social in Universidad Comillas de Madrid, between the courses started in 1997 and finalized in 2007, who have used in some occasion some tutorial session. Through an analysis of the content on the data recorded in their dossiers, the results confirm the initial hypothesis among women, but not for men.


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