El uso del focusing en la terapia de parejas


  • John Amodeo Institute of Imaginal Studies


Intimacy, felt-sense, connecting, tenderness, defensiveness.


The use of Focusing in couples therapy can help a couple remove blocks to intimacy, understand themselves and each other more deeply, shift stuck dynamics, and nurture connection and intimacy. Focusing-Oriented couples work helps interrupt the cycle of blame, defensiveness, and attack. This is replaced with an attitude of respect, gentleness, and kindness toward themselves and the full range of their experience. This approach to couples therapy is based on the premise that what is happening between the members of the couple is a reflection of what is happening within the two individuals. In this somatic approach, Focusing helps each partner stay connected to their own bodily felt sense of relevant issues and concerns. This allows a safer way to uncover underlying feelings, needs, and concerns. Learning to express these in a gentle, non-defensive, tender way creates a climate that invites and nurtures intimacy, love, and connection.

Author Biography

John Amodeo, Institute of Imaginal Studies

Doctor en Filosofía, es autor de The Authentic Heart: An Eightfold Path to Midlife Love and Love & Betrayal and is coauthor of Being Intimate (libros diponibles en inglés y español). Ha sido psicoterapeuta durante más de 25años en el área de la Bahía de San Francisco y es miembro del profesorado de The Institute of Imaginal Studies.


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