Bodies that listen: the advent of empathy from the process of focussing on the body
Empathy, sincronicity, felt-sense, experiencing.Abstract
The work framework is about the phenomena of sincronicity in the nonverbal communication and, concretely, about the use of focusing like an instrument to penetrate totally in the subjective world of the other and to increase the empathy in a therapeutic relationship and in the group facilitation. It’s about to look for confluent ways between the contributions of Rogers and Gendlin, that can serve us to make the therapists and facilitators training more accurately in their capacity of global comprehension that it makes possible to be abble to be present with greater intensity and to contemplate what is occurring within the framework of its relationship with the client and the group.
From these phenomena of sincronicity or corporal empathy in the intrapersonal communication process it is possible to be experiencing, in my own body, the felt sense of the other and, at the same time, to be able to not being identified to me with this inner experience - also corporally felt - puting it «to a side», and to experience the recognition of which it comprises of my own experiencial process and the experiencial process of the other person. This form to practice the empathy, constitutes an enormous potential in therapist relationship and to facilitate groups.
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