Social Research and Jesuit Social Apostolate in Neo-Modernity


  • Fernando Vidal Fernández Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Social work, social research, religion, Jesuits.


Social Research is progressively getting a central role in Social Action and Justice Advocacy. The new trends of our era have stressed the importance of advocacy, and more specifically, policies regarding knowledge formation and dissemination in Jesuit Social Action. In the light of these challenges thrown up by neo-modernity, social research faces the following important challenges: new ways of organizing research, new epistemological framework, increasing need of research and becoming aware of the traps facing social research. Before setting up our polices to foster social research in this new age we need to be aware of some of the most important traps into which research has fallen: Science as power, «Clientelism», Interest groups that finance their own media and form a network of intellectuals that serve and protect their interests, Imposing the agenda for research, The «closeness» of scientific circles and The temptation to be neutral.


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