Patterns of risk in conduct in urban adolescents from Andalusia


  • Eugenia Gil García Universidad de Sevilla
  • Nuria Romo Avilés Universidad de Granada


Adolescents, behaviours risk, gender.


The objective of this article is to describe risk behaviors in urban adolescents in Andalucía. The results had been obtained by a survey with a representative sample of ESO students (n=1,907). In the survey, questions about demographic profile, family relations, leisure activities and risk behaviors such as: violence, road safety, sexual relations and drugs use were included. Risk behaviors have gender. Males use more illegal drugs (cannabis, cocaine), females use more legal drugs (Tobacco and psychotropic drugs); males have more motorcycles that are driven faster, they do not obey road signs and they fight frequently. It is important to point out the lack of information in both genders about Sexually Transmitted Diseases.


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