Political conflict and institutional change in Latin America. A comparative analysis through fuzzy sets


  • Gisselle de la Cruz Hermida Autonomous University at Juarez City
  • Rafael Enrique Valenzuela Mendoza Autonomous University at Juarez City


causal configurations, fuzzy sets, political conflict and institutional change


In the late 1980s, QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) positioned itself as a qualitative alternative to quantitative studies that attempted to explain, from a comparative perspective, the analysis of more complex social and cultural formations such as countries, societies, groups or social movements. The analytical approach of this type of macro-structures, given their complexity, required research strategies that would encourage a more intensive analysis based on a reduced number of cases. The purpose of this paper is to describe some of the considerations that guide the analysis of causal configurations with fuzzy sets, showing their application through a study of the implication of transgressive contention, anti-status quo leadership and elite division in the production of institutional changes of substantial nature.


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