Integration policies, human rights and mipex: a typology


  • Claudio Bolzman Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Suiza Occidental (HES-SO), Ginebra, Escuela de trabajo social
  • Carlos Gallego Sánchez Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Suiza Occidental (HES-SO), Ginebra, Escuela de trabajo social


citizenship, migration, MIPEX, integration policies, European Union, human rights


The main objective of the article is to verify the current situation of the typology of Bolzman (1998) in the EU-28 countries. The idea is to define the position of these countries in the model of rights towards immigrants proposed by the author. On the other hand, the aim is also to analyze the relationship between policies towards the immigrant population and public opinion. To this end, in addition to the aforementioned 28 EU Member States, six additional countries are included, considered important because they belong to the Schengen area or because they are historical recipients of migration within their borders. For the analysis, the data provided by MIPEX and the last three Eurobarometer surveys have been used. The results indicate that States generally confer more civic-political and socio-economic rights than cultural ones, and that countries are mainly located in the models of integrationist citizenship (9 countries), exclusion (8 countries), and multicultural citizenship (6 countries). Moreover, there is a gap between the EU-15 countries and the States that joined the EU thereafter. On the other hand, the relationship between public opinion and policies towards the immigrant population is confirmed by finding statistically significant positive correlations between the total MIPEX score and the opinions expressed in the Eurobarometer. However, only a statistically significant positive correlation was found between one of the three Eurobarometers used and the scores derived from Bolzman’s typology of rights.


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