Family Mediation: a new work field for Social Work Professional


  • Margarita García Tomé Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Mediation, Neutrality, Impartiality, Confidentiality, Wilfulness, Mediator.


We are verifying in the last years how the demand of mediation has been increasing as a positive step to intervene in conflicts in all areas of human interrelation. But above all, it is in the family atmosphere, specifically in the conflicts coming from separations and divorces, where it has been done a greater drive in all American and European countries. In our country, Familiar Mediation takes shape as a new career that has received the approval by eleven laws of Familiar Mediation from the Autonomous Communities. This profession is expanding in Spain, in the same way as it has been done in the main countries of our surroundings. The mediation professional is who has to give credibility to this Institution, this justify the urgent need of training and being qualified forthe job.The Profession of Social Work has in the mediation a new and attractivefield of work



