Toward a humanistic critical theory and its economicbusiness application in post-globalization


  • Antonio Sánchez-Bayón Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


economics, business, consumption, humanism, post-globalized world, critical theory & practice


This paper offers a critical and multidisciplinary study aimed at providing an assessment of the available knowledge after the crisis of globalization. It focuses on a review of the founding principles of Economics & Business, from a humanistic perspective, in order to clarify their authenticity and validity, as well as to assess their feasibility in a post-globalized era that steers toward the knowledge society. Without an awareness and an action plan, there exists the risk of moving towards a global consumer mass society that may lead to a loss of human values and sociability conditions, and which prioritizes having over being (welfare over happiness, business over leisure, enterprise over profession, desire over experience, etc.). This paper attempts to remove the main obstacles that cloud our understanding of the post-globalized world, so it can be studied for what it is.

Author Biography

Antonio Sánchez-Bayón, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Doctor en Derecho (UCM) y Humanidades (UM). Prof. titular CC.SS. y Jcas. (ANECA) con sexenio (CNEAI). Prof. Asoc. en ISEMCO-Univ. Rey Juan Carlos (España) y Univ. Bernardo OHiggins (Chile), colaborador en EAE Business School


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