Social assistance policy and work and income generation: the productive inclusion proposal


  • Clenir Maria Moretto Pontificia Católica de Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
  • Cristina Fioreze Universidad de Passo Fundo (UPF)
  • Eliana Cristina Dalagasperina Universidad de Passo Fundo (UPF)


Social assistance policy, Productive inclusion, Work and income generation, Poverty.


This paper discusses propositions for productive inclusion and work and income generation coming from Brazil’s social assistance policy through the Unified Social Assistance System. It presents briefly the history of the construction of this social policy in Brazil, as well as its contemporary guidelines to meet the social-economic vulnerabilities of those in poverty situation. Some methodological alternatives to guide the currently adopted work and income generation actions are discussed, proposing to meet the basic needs of the social assistance policy users and to contribute to the subject’s autonomy.

Author Biographies

Clenir Maria Moretto, Pontificia Católica de Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)

Asistente Social, tiene Maestría en Servicio Social, Pontificia Católica de RioGrande do Sul (PUCRS), Profesora del Curso de Servicio Social de la Universidad dePasso Fundo (UPF).

Eliana Cristina Dalagasperina, Universidad de Passo Fundo (UPF)

Asistente Social, tiene Maestría en Educación, Universidad de Passo Fundo(UPF), estudia doctorado en Servicio Social, Pontificia Católica do Rio Grande do Sul(PUCRS), Profesora del Curso de Servicio Social de la Universidad de Passo Fundo(UPF).



