Profile of the good professor in multicultural university environments. Appreciations by Spanish and North-American students


  • Cecilia Méndez Cea Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Attention to diversity, Cross-culturalism, Cultural diversity, Cultural intelligence, Culture, Hidden curriculum, Inclusive education, Intercultural competence, Interculturalism, Learning community, Multicultural competence, Multicultural society, Multicu


The significant and growing increase of international students in our University classrooms is, together with the incorporation of new technologies into this same field, the main factor transforming the educational scene in Higher Education in the first decade of century. Multiculturalism in our classrooms makes it imperative to reconsider and redefine educational aims and objectives in developed countries, researching, designing and implementing new legislation, approaches and resources necessary to face this diversity. A multicultural and intercultural education represents an effective answer to our social current reality, whit its contributions to the acquisition of values and social competences necessary to meet the demands of work market and to live togetherand interact in our new society of globalization.

Author Biography

Cecilia Méndez Cea, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Profesora de Español para Alumnos de Intercambio, Instituto de Idiomas Modernos,Universidad Pontifica Comillas de Madrid.

