Jews and Christians: Encounters and Dis-encounters During the First Centuries of the Common Era


  • Montserrat Perales Agustí Universidad Complutense de Madrid


religious encounters, religious disagreements, problems between Jews and Christian communities, religions of the book, circumcision, personal status questions, religious marriage


These pages try to address some of the questions that may arise when studying the relationship between different religious communities that have coexisted throughout the centuries up to the second millennium. More specifically, they look at Judaism and Christianity, two of the three ‘Religions of the book’. Indeed, the Jewish and Christian religion share some of the books that contain their history, theological basis and legal norms. The purpose of this paper is to explain the agreements and disagreements between them on certain religious questions related to personal status and, especially, religious marriage.

Author Biography

Montserrat Perales Agustí, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departamento de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado


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