The Protection Granted by Two Non-Roman Catholic Sovereigns Following the Pope’s Suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773: The Commentary of Fr. Manuel Luengo
suppression and restoration of the Society of Jesus, Frederick II of Prussia, Catherine II of Russia, Fr. Manuel Luengo.Abstract
The Society of Jesus was suppressed by Clement XIV’s brief of 1773. However, it continued its work in Frederick II’s Prussia and in the Russia of the Orthodox Empress Catherine II. Fr. Manuel Luengo comments extensively on this fact in his well-known Diary, where he offers a harsh criticism of the Catholic leaders (Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, as well as Kings and Ministers of Portugal, Spain and France). In contrast, he praises Frederick for maintaining the Jesuits in his states until 1780 and, especially, Catherine, who supported them wholeheartedly throughout her reign.
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