Titus Brandsma, a Pioneer of Ecumenism in Carmel


  • Fernando Millán Romeral Prior General de la Orden del Carmen. Curia Generalizia dei Carmelitani


ecumenism, Brandsma, Carmelites, Church in the Netherlands, Church and Nazism


This article introduces the figure of Blessed Titus Brandsma (Carmelite, journalist and professor at the University of Nijmegen where he was also Rector and a very significant person during the period between the wars in the Netherlands) from the perspective of ecumenism. Professor Brandsma was a pioneer in this field. He was a very active collaborator in the so-called «Apostolate of Reunification» with the Eastern Churches. He also maintained a strong ecumenical sensitivity towards Protestant denominations, even in the dramatic circumstances in the various concentration camps Brandsma found himself in before he was executed in July 1942. The author starts with the premise that ecumenism in Titus Brandsma was the fruit of his spiritual and personal approach to life (a man of dialogue, reconciliation, a facilitator of areas of encounter in diversity…) that brought him to a very committed theoretical and practical ecumenism in Europe in the 1930s.


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