Instructors and librarians: the two faces of university teaching


  • Nadia Rodríguez Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Marta Soto Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Belén Novoa Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Bettina Schnell Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Higher Education European Space, university libraries, documentation, collaboration between teachers and librarians, literacy in information.


This article analyses the importance of the new ways of active collaboration between the teachers of the documentation subject in the translation area and librarians of the Pontificia Comillas University of Madrid. The aim is to go beyond the traditional training of users to reach a high literacy in information skills so that students are able to meet the challenges of the Higher Education European Space. It describes the role of the university library as a service linked to the learning process of the students, aiming to provide them with the necessary skills to locate, select, value and manage the useful information throughout their university training as translators. Finally, it describes in detail all the elements of a case of collaboration between these two entities all along the academic year.


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