Social media and «influencers». Reflections from a psychological perspective


  • Elena Santamaría de la Piedra Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Rufino J. Meana Universidad Pontificia Comillas


internet addiction, nomophobia, influencers, millennials, consumerism


The influencer phenomenon is studied, analyzing, firstly, the potential psychological impact of social networks in the new generations of the so-called digital natives. For this purpose, due to its popularity and widespread, attention is focused on Facebook and how it has been configuring a generation that has been named «millennial». It will be on this generational group where various reflections will focus, particularly around its possible difficulty in differentiating between virtual world and real life. Finally, we approach influencers, as an expected phenomenon in a generational context strongly involved in the consumer society. The reasons and consequences of the phenomenon are analyzed as well as the personal repercussions that the influencers themselves may experience.

Author Biographies

Elena Santamaría de la Piedra, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Estudiante del Grado de Psicología

Rufino J. Meana, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Departamento de Psicología


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