
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1,5 without paragraph spacing; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Submission and presentation of originals

 1.- Papers sent to the ICADE Journal must be originals and be submitted electronically at the following address:

Review and Acceptance

 2.- All originals received by the Journal will be sent anonymously to two external reviewers of recognized expertise in the particular topic of the work. The review will be based on the following criteria: methodological quality and scientific-technical pertinence of the content.

The reviewers will provide reasons for their opinion, indicating whether the original should be accepted as it is, revised in line with the reviewers' corrections and suggestions or, ultimately, if the reviewed paper should be rejected.

If one of the reviews is unfavorable, a third opinion will be sought.

However, the Board of Editors will always have the final say on which articles are published, bearing in mind the opinions voiced by the reviewers, and is responsible for informing authors of its decision.

By sending in their work, authors willingly subject such to the opinion issued by the reviewers.

Authors are required to amend the final draft of their work according to the recommendations made by the reviewers. To such end, they must include all corrections and changes classed as mandatory by the reviewers and, as far as possible, accommodate their suggestions as well.

3.-  Any originals that do not comply with the Comillas Journal guidelines for presentation and publication will be returned to their respective authors before being sent for external review. If this occurs, the author will have one week to add the missing information and/or make the required changes to their work. If the appropriate changes are not made, these articles will not be published.

4.- Before publication, the authors of all accepted work will grant all exploitation rights relating to their work in favor of the ICADE Journal.

 Once accepted, the texts will become the intellectual property of the ICADE Journal and may not be fully or partially reproduced without express authorization from the Journal.

 In addition, authors that publish their papers in our print edition grant the Icade Journal permission to publish the same electronically as well.

Style Guide

5.- Length: up to  30 pages, depending on the format suggested in the Style Guide detailed below (see example in ANNEX 1).

6.- Page layout: All margins (top, bottom, right and left) must be 2 centimeters.

7.- Font type: Times New Roman.

  1. Font size 14: only for the title of the article.
  2. Font size 12: sections, subsections, body text and final bibliographical list.
  3. Font size 10: notes, to be included at the bottom of the page as footnotes.


8.- Indent:

  1. Title of the article: no first-line indent.
  2. Sections of body text: no first-line indent.
  3. Subsections of the main text: first-line indent of 0.5 centimeters.
  4. Contents of the main text: first-line indent of 0.5 centimeters.
  5. Footnotes: first-line indent of 0.25 centimeters.


9.- Spacing:

  1. Body text: 1.5 lines.
  2. Footnotes: single spacing (1 line).

10.- Below the title of the article (in the body text) there must appear the first name and last name(s)1 of the author as well as his/her academic, professional and/or institutional position, office or role.

 It is also essential to add a footnote with the author's email address. The reference corresponding to this first footnote must necessarily appear next to the name of the author (1).


11.- Before the content  of the article is developed in full, the following must be included (*):


a.   Summary of the paper in Spanish (which should be as interesting and engaging as possible and under one hundred words in length).

b.   Keywords in Spanish –separated by semicolons-.

c.    Title of the article in English.

d.   Abstract (in English).


e.   Keywords (in English) –separated by semicolons-.

(*) No index or table of contents will be included.

 12.- Pages should be numbered consecutively. Titles and subheadings should be concise. Mathematical calculations should, as far as possible, be included in an annex, so as to help readers follow the line of reasoning of the article without hindrance.

13.- The last section of the article must include a summary of the main conclusions drawn from its content. These conclusions ought to be numbered consecutively and always be as succinct, precise and effective as possible.

14.- Charts, graphs and tables:

  1. Center alignment.
  2. Properly numbered.
  3. Add the relevant title or heading at the top (Times New Roman, 12).
  4. Indicate the data source at the bottom (Times New Roman, 10).


15.- When charts or tables are used, mention or reference must be made to the chart or table number in the appropriate place within the text of the paper. Graphs and diagrams must be presented in a sufficiently clear manner, including the complete supporting facts and figures used, so that they may be properly prepared for publication.

16.- In the event that the paper includes maps or graphs that necessarily require the use of pattern fills to facilitate understanding, these should be sufficiently and clearly indicated. It is advisable to submit a color copy.


17.- At the end of the paper, a full list of the bibliographic references employed must be included under the heading BIBLIOGRAPHY.

              a.        Font type and size: Times New Roman 12.
              b.        Complete information about the source.
              c.        Prepared according to the criteria below.

18.- Methods used for citing and preparing the final bibliographical reference. Two options are envisaged based on whether the article's or paper's citations are included as footnotes or in the body text, as the examples illustrate (ANNEX 2). The authors may choose either of them. However, they must maintain the chosen option throughout the whole paper (including the final bibliography).

 19.- Guidelines for citing other resources employed:

               a.          Legislation:

The full review must be mentioned, indicating provision number, date and year of enactment, as well as the date on which it was published in the Official Gazette. These may be omitted only in the case of fundamental sets of provisions, such as the Spanish Constitution or the Civil Code.

               b.          Case Law and other rulings:

The full reference must be included: Court, date of the ruling, and sentence or appeal number. Reference to the source database should, where applicable, be added.

               c.          Internet sources:

Please indicate the document source, identifying the full address and specifying the date on which it was last consulted.


Proofreading and Publishing

20.- Proofreading of drafts by the authors should be completed within a period of ten days, after which, if no response is received, it is understood that no remarks have been made.



21.- The author assures the Icade Journal that he/she is the author of the published paper and that such is an original work, exclusively accepting liability for the above.

22.- Comillas Pontifical University and the Icade Journal editors do not necessarily identify themselves with or endorse the content, opinions and/or conclusions of the paper published in the Journal.


Neither will they accept liability for any consequences arising from the use by third parties of any information or criteria contained in such papers.

ANNEX 1: Sample



Author: First name and Last name[1]


academic, professional and/or institutional position, office or role





Title in English






 1.1.  Subsection

 1.1.1.     Aaaaaaaaaaaa

 a.- ……………

b.- ……………            






ANNEX 2.- Examples of citation in the body text and final bibliography: available options.




(FN) Footnote  (B) Final Bibliography


  • Work of one author


  • Work of two authors


  • Collective work by more than two authors


  • A chapter from a collective work (by more than two authors)


  • Article from a Journal


  • Encyclopedias 







                                                                                                                                                                      (CT) Citation in body text (B) Bibliography


[1] Author's email address

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