Suspension of the employment contract and reduction of working time due to economic, technical, organizational or productive grounds regulated by article 47 of the Statute of Workers


  • Cristina Esteban Luque Abogado SJBerwin
  • Carlos Gil Iglesias
  • Ana Higuera Garrido


Reducción, Jornada, Suspensión, Procedimiento, Colectivo


This study analyses the procedure of suspension and reduction of working time due to economic, technical, organizational or productive grounds regulated by article47 of the Statute of Workers, after the important modifications introduced by the Labour Reform 2012 (including the rules of the Royal Decree 1483/2012, of 29 October). The study is distributed in several sections including the review of the grounds in which these procedures are based –grounds that will be necessarily of temporary nature–, the procedure of negotiation –once eliminated the administrativeauthorization of the labour authority– and the means to claim before the courts the decisions finally taken by the employer.

Author Biographies

Carlos Gil Iglesias

Socio SJBerwin y Profesor Asociado Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Ana Higuera Garrido

Abogado Uría Menéndez y Profesor Asociado Universidad Pontificia Comillas


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How to Cite

Esteban Luque, C., Gil Iglesias, C., & Higuera Garrido, A. (2013). Suspension of the employment contract and reduction of working time due to economic, technical, organizational or productive grounds regulated by article 47 of the Statute of Workers. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (88), 129–168. Retrieved from