Pairs Trading, How to Manage a Market’s Anomaly


  • M.ª Luisa Mazo Fajardo Bankinter Securities
  • M.ª Esther Vaquero Lafuente Universidad Pontificia Comillas



Pairs trading, distance, cointegration, return


This paper deeply analyses the theorical and empirical framework of pairs trading strategy. Such strategy reports that the market is not efficient since it can be beaten. A review of the theorical model underlying the strategy is shown; afterwards the two main techniques used are explained: the distance method and cointegration. Finally, there is a reflexion concerning the fundamentals of achieving a greater return than market return. Such reflexion is linked to behavioral finance.


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How to Cite

Mazo Fajardo, M. L., & Vaquero Lafuente, M. E. (2019). Pairs Trading, How to Manage a Market’s Anomaly. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (105).