Changes in European banking líquidity management and regulatory updates through the Basel accords, caused by the 2007 financial crisis.


  • Natalia Cassinello Plaza Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Basilea III, Basel Committe on Banking supervision, liquidity risk, liquidity coverage ratio, net stable funding ratio, bank funding


The current financial crisis has brought a big step up in the importance of proper liquidity management in banking. Starting with the fall of the British lender Northern Rock due to a temporal liquidity shortage, we have seen often wholesalemarket disruptions as well as a strong reduction in the interbank market, being bothof them fundamental pieces in banking liquidity management. As a consequence it appear the need for the European Central Bank to intervene with extraordinary and decisive funding mechanisms, as well as the requirements from the Basel Committee to increase sharply the amount of high quality liquid assets in the balance sheet ofbanks to overcome any potential crisis. The implementation of the later due January 2013 has been recently postponed to 2015 to give enough room for banks to be readyto comply with it. On the other hand, this new requirements that imply the need to have a bigger percentage of liquid assets in the balance sheet, together with the needto reduce the total balance sheet size to comply with the new capital requirementsof Basel, will have as a collateral effect the reduction of funding to individuals and companies.


BANCO DE ESPAÑA (2012), Boletín Económico, septiembre 2012.

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BASLE COMMITTE ON BANKING SUPERVISION (2013), Basel III: The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and liquidity risk monitoring tools, Basilea enero 2013.

_ (2012), Basel III: Quantitative impact study results. Result of Basel III monitoring exercise as 31 December 2011.

_ (2010), Basel III: International framework for liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring. Basilea, (diciembre).

EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2006), Directive 2006/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions. New proposals on capital requirements (CRD IV Package), disponible en:

FONDO MONETARIO INTERNACIONAL (2011), Informe Global de Estabilidad Financiera, septiembre 2011.

MORAL BELLO, C (2011a), Mercados Financieros, Madrid: Ed. IT&FI.

_ (2011b), Mercados Financieros II, Madrid, Ed. IT&FI.

Otras fuentes:

BANCO CENTRAL EUROPEO (2010), Discurso pronunciado por JOSÉ MANUEL GONZÁLEZ-PÁRAMO. “Basilea III y el nuevo marco macroprudencial”.

BBC News. Timeline: Northern Rock bank crisis, 5 de agosto del 2008. URL

DRAGHI M. Intervención de M. DRAGHI durante la Brithis Business Embassy. 26 de Julio de 2012. URL




How to Cite

Cassinello Plaza, N. (2013). Changes in European banking líquidity management and regulatory updates through the Basel accords, caused by the 2007 financial crisis. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (89), 73–93. Retrieved from