The protection of survivors of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation: regulation and realities


  • Elena Laporta Hernández Grupo de Estudios Feministas de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Samara de las Heras Aguilera Asesora Jurídica de la Asociación Trabe e investigadora del Grupo de Estudios Feministas de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation, feminism, human rights, intersectionality, access to justice


Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation poses one of the greatest threats to the respect, protection and fulfillment of human rights, given the large number of persons harmed, and the scale of violences and discriminations involved. It is unquestionable that its eradication requires a full integration of a human rights and intersectional approach and a feminist perspective, and that its legal recognition and practical implementation are still not enough. The authors of this paper intend to contribute to the debate on the protection of victims based on both their academic and practical experience accompanying survivors, advocating for the transformative strength of Law and a holistic and multidisciplinary notion of Justice.


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How to Cite

Laporta Hernández, E., & Heras Aguilera, S. de las. (2019). The protection of survivors of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation: regulation and realities. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (107).