DEMOS Programs. Young People with Intellectual Disabilities are part of the University Community


  • Javier Alcázar Colilla Universidad Pontificia Comillas



intellectual disability, integrated education, quality of life, job insertion, vocation


The law guarantees compulsory schooling for young people with intellectual disabilities, either through the inclusive route or through the special route. But once it has been overcome, until very recently there were no training alternatives that allowed them to continue forming and, especially, to choose their vocation. In front of this excluding reality to this group, the Pontifical Comillas University started seven years ago DEMOS Training Programs, focused on providing high work skills adjusted to the needs of the working market and, the most important thing, to allow them to develop their vocation.



How to Cite

Alcázar Colilla, J. (2019). DEMOS Programs. Young People with Intellectual Disabilities are part of the University Community. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (106).