Past, Present and Future of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Tecnology as Catalyst (or Inhibitor) of 2030 Agenda




Sustainable Development Goals, sustainability, social responsibility, 2030 Agenda, digital transformation, technology


This paper aims to present the origin of the Sustainable Development Goals, understand their current situation —especially the impact that technology may have on them—, and advance their possible effects in 2030. So, to do this, it is structured in three parts. On the one hand, it carries out a historical review of the instruments that have contributed to generalise the interest for the discourse on an economic development that does not endanger neither the future of the planet nor the needs of the generations to come. From the convergence of these instruments —and their concretion in different multilateral tools— derive the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), to those we approach with an unequivocally favorable disposition, but in a critical way. Secondly, the article draws attention to how technology and the digitalisation of the economy and society —which are particular features of the present historical moment— constitute and represent the true ferment of almost the entire task implicit in the enumeration and deployment of the seventeen SDGs. Finally, it identifies and points out some of the most outstanding technological tools that, in the opinion of the co-authors of this work, could be used to achieve the so-called Agenda 2030. Technology, in effect, can favour the achievement of agreements and rights, as a catalyst for SDGs. However, we also declare certain limits due to the complexity of Agenda 2030 itself. This complexity lies, above all, in the holistic and interconnected nature of the problems and challenges we face.

Author Biographies

Alberto Andreu Pinillos, Universidad de Navarra

Profesor asociado y Director Ejecutivo del Máster de Dirección de Personas de la Universidad de Navarra

José-Luis Fernández-Fernández, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Director de la Cátedra Iberdrola de Ética Económica y Empresarial de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas


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How to Cite

Andreu Pinillos, A., Fernández-Fernández, J.-L., & Fernández Mateo, J. (2020). Past, Present and Future of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Tecnology as Catalyst (or Inhibitor) of 2030 Agenda. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (108).