Carbon Taxation. An Approach to the Cases of Sweden, Ireland and France


  • Macarena Larrea Basterra Universidad de Deusto
  • Jorge Fernández Gómez Universidad de Deusto
  • Roberto Álvaro Hermana Universidad de Deusto



carbon tax, European Emissions Trading Scheme, tax collection, GHG emissions


The fight against climate change has found in taxation a tool for advancing in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, different countries have developed taxes on carbon in Europe, America or Asia.

In Europe, Sweden established a carbon tax about three decades ago, Ireland adopted it during the economic crisis of 2008 and, more recently, France accompanied its Law on energy towards a green growth with a carbon tax called energy climate contribution.

The three experiences, which have had different impacts, can bring light on the factors that may favor the success of these measures. To this end, this article aims to present a summary of the main characteristics not only of the carbon taxes, but also of their adoption processes and the destination of the revenues collected.

Author Biographies

Macarena Larrea Basterra, Universidad de Deusto

Orkestra-Fundación Deusto

Jorge Fernández Gómez, Universidad de Deusto

Orkestra-Fundación Deusto

Roberto Álvaro Hermana, Universidad de Deusto

Orkestra-Fundación Deusto


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How to Cite

Larrea Basterra, M., Fernández Gómez, J., & Álvaro Hermana, R. (2020). Carbon Taxation. An Approach to the Cases of Sweden, Ireland and France. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (108).