The most Vulnerable Childhood, an Impossterable Commitment


  • Soledad Cardozo Salazar Aldeas Infantiles SOS España



vulnerable childhood, parental care, SDG, 2030 Agenda, impact, SOS Children’s Villages, sustainable development, social responsibility


SDGs have come to stay and NGOs are a key partner and a necessary bridge between all sectors involved.

SOS Children’s Villages has been involved in working on the 2030 Agenda, achieving, together with other organizations for children, that children who have lost parental care or are at risk of losing it were taken into account.

2030 Agenda is an opportunity for networking, which is a new challenge for NGOs. In SOS Children’s Villages Spain we have aligned the work we do in our programs with this challenge, working together with different sectors and creating partnerships to build a fairer world and reach many more children.

From SOS Children’s Villages Spain, we contribute directly to the achievement of 5 objectives, but we also have an impact on others, because of the interconnection between the different SDGs.

In addition, we measure the result that our work has had and will have in relation to the fulfillment of the SDGs: given our impact on the exparticipants’ lives, it is reasonable to expect that the positive results seen in them should also be reflected in the current and future participants’ lives until 2030.

As an example, from our programs, we support children and young people so that they have access to quality education and receive training in skills. 82% of exparticipants have had positive results in these areas, so we can also expect that 82% of current and future participants will be positively impacted in terms of education and skills, which means 5.3 million children by 2030.

It is clear, therefore, that investing in early childhood brings positive and profitable results for business and society as a whole, because what happens to a child at this stage of life will determine his or her future and, therefore, the basis on which societies are built.

Author Biography

Soledad Cardozo Salazar, Aldeas Infantiles SOS España

Responsable de Relaciones con Empresas y Fundaciones



How to Cite

Cardozo Salazar, S. (2020). The most Vulnerable Childhood, an Impossterable Commitment. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (108).