Economic Crisis: A Constitutional Problem

Speaking of COVID




COVID, economic crisis, European integration


This paper analyzes the reaction of the European Union to the economic crisis caused by the COVID. To understand the constitutional relevance of the measures adopted, I begin recalling the political problem that economic asymmetries imply; I try to underline the role that the European integration has played in solving this type of problem. In this context, I analyze the response that was created in the 2008 crisis and the one that has been launched in the 2020 crisis. In both cases, a series of measures has made substantial transformation on the constitutional principles of the economic governance in the Union. The paper ends with a reflection on the difficulties of addressing analysis de lege ferenda in the field of constitutional law of the Union.


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How to Cite

Azpitarte, M. (2021). Economic Crisis: A Constitutional Problem: Speaking of COVID. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (110).