The Welfare of the Elderly through a System of Social Services (Article 50 of the Constitution)

The Shortcomings of the Residential Centers highlighted by COVID-19




the social service benefits of the Social Security System, the social service benefits of the System for Autonomy and Attention to Dependency, the shortcoming arising from current legislation, proposals de lege ferenda


COVID-19 demands, have shown the need to review, both at a central and regional level, the scheme of our legal regulation of social benefits, in particular residential homes for elderly, following section 50 and Chapter VIII of the Spanish Constitution. The Spanish Social Security System lies on lower ranks norms, and the System for Autonomy and Attention to Dependency is decentralized on behalf of the Autonomous Regions, hence the omission and inability of the State to provide a proper response to the dramatic situation lived in the residential homes as a result of the pandemia. Likewise, the fact that in accordance to said regulations residential homes for elderly provide care only but not health care, despite the self-evident connection between both social services, further showcase the lacks of our system. Following the conclusions of our analysis, we propose some, not only legal but approach wise, amendments to front face one of the key social challenges of the XXI century and further: aging.

Author Biography

Belén Alonso-Olea García, UNED

Letrada de la Administración de la Seguridad Social (España)


Alonso-Olea García, B. (2020). Derecho de la Protección Social: derecho a la seguridad social, derecho a la asistencia sanitaria y derecho a los servicios sociales (4ª ed.). Civitas Thomson Reuters.

Escudero Rodríguez, R. (2009). El complejo equilibrio de competencias entre el Estado y las Comunidades Autónomas en materia de atención a la dependencia. Temas Laborales, 100(1), 329-361.

Sempere Navarro, A. (2006). Antecedentes y estructura de la Ley 39/2006 de 14 de diciembre. Aranzadi Social, 5, 255-272.



How to Cite

Alonso-Olea García, B. (2021). The Welfare of the Elderly through a System of Social Services (Article 50 of the Constitution): The Shortcomings of the Residential Centers highlighted by COVID-19. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (110).