CIRM: Strategy for the management of relations with citizens in eGovernment


  • David de la Antonia López GRUPO TRAGSA


CiRM, CRM, citizens, information and communication technologies (ICT), information society, e-goverment,


While CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has been researched andapplied in private enterprises for years. On the contrary, concurrent with the emergenceof e-government and the general tendency of transferring more and more business concepts into the government domain, CiRM (Citizen Relationship Management) has only recently gained attention as a concept for government. Thus, CRM, primarily a concept of the private sector for its multi-benefit approach, is catchingup fast in public sector, with constituents worldwide demanding better and more customized services built around their needs and to be treated as customers. This has compelled public sector to act like the private in certain ways and to embrace CiRM to ensure better planning and resource allocation leading towards constituents’ satisfaction and better quality of life. This paper analyses benefits, criticalaspects and provides a conceptual framework for CiRM in e-government.

Author Biography

David de la Antonia López, GRUPO TRAGSA

Doctor en Economía e Ingeniero en Informática.Consultor del Grupo TRAGSA


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How to Cite

de la Antonia López, D. (2012). CIRM: Strategy for the management of relations with citizens in eGovernment. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (81), 237–256. Retrieved from