Laicidad-pluralismo-libertad: la dialéctica estado de derecho-sociedad justa


  • Arturo Calvo Espiga Universidad de Málaga


Pluralism, Laity, Religious freedom, Fundamental rights, Democracy.


Laity, pluralism and freedom are categories basic and key when joint the relationship or relationships that the State has to keep with the religious phenomenon, in hismore full meaning, just as it appears in our democratic societies western. The laity, in this reflection, as a characteristic is assumed, category, attitude or limit of the Stateand of his own activity; the pluralism as a characteristic is considered and essential property of our contemporary societies and as value citizen; the freedom as a personalidentity and as an essential condition of the society democratic. Is expected in this contribution to clarify the relationship that is between the laity of the States and the open and plural societies, as soon as essential characteristics of the society fair, insistingin the fact that democratic societies, as such they, are not nor lay, nor confessional, but plurals and free, so much from the religious point of view as ideological:democracy and plurality, laity and freedom are ends that are socially autoentailed andare presupposed. Just it fits to pose in the totalitarianisms the stock of confessional societies, one-ideology system, religious character good, antireligious or ideological.The main purpose of the State’s laity is, above all, that one of to respect and to guarantee the development and promotion of the social plurality, as only way of achievingthe justice in the freedom not discriminatory, abstaining the state device of any directintervention advantageous of a certain ideology or ideal religious man and avoiding,in logical consequence, that the laity becomes in determinant ideology of the actionof the State, as well as of the conformation of the society.

Author Biography

Arturo Calvo Espiga, Universidad de Málaga

Abogado del Tribunal de la Rota de Roma

Catedrático de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado


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How to Cite

Calvo Espiga, A. (2012). Laicidad-pluralismo-libertad: la dialéctica estado de derecho-sociedad justa. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (81), 41–64. Retrieved from