Charity in Truth: A View of the Economy Ethics


  • Raúl Gónzalez Fabre SJ Universidad Pontificia Comillas


economy, economics, ethics, Catholic social thought, market, State, third sector, love, reciprocity, justice, common good.


Caritas in Veritate, the most recent encyclical letter of Benedict XVI, is not only an update but also a step forward in the tradition of Catholic thought about the economy. Understanding the economic society as definitely global, the Pope offersan ethical framework and a dynamic and plural vision of the economic structures.This paves the way for action in favour of an integral human development, from the level of the agents to the highest and most complex levels of social aggregation. Here we attempt to present the keys of the Pope’s understanding of economic activityas part of human moral life, and the vision of the attainable economic society that follows from those keys.

Author Biography

Raúl Gónzalez Fabre SJ, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales


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How to Cite

Gónzalez Fabre SJ, R. (2012). Charity in Truth: A View of the Economy Ethics. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (80), 163–183. Retrieved from