Implementation, certification and integration of management systems in Spanish mining


  • Carmen Escanciano Gª-Miranda Universidad de Oviedo
  • María Escanciano Gª-Miranda


quality, environment, occupational health and safety, integrated management system


The implementation of quality, environment and occupational health and safety management systems has become a priority for many organizations. In order to beable to determine to what extent the implementation of the ISO 14001 and OHSAS18001 standards really has a voluntary character, or, on the contrary, it is a result ofthe rigorous legislation that regulates the development of mining activities in ourcountry, an empirical study was conducted among the Spanish mining companies thatpossess one o more certified management systems. Likewise, and given the existing compatibility among the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards, we analyze the integration of management systems in the Spanish mining sector.

Author Biographies

Carmen Escanciano Gª-Miranda, Universidad de Oviedo

Departamento Administración de Empresas

María Escanciano Gª-Miranda

Técnico Superior en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales



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How to Cite

Escanciano Gª-Miranda, C., & Escanciano Gª-Miranda, M. (2012). Implementation, certification and integration of management systems in Spanish mining. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (79), 133–160. Retrieved from


