Audiovisual industry and digital markets


  • Miguel Ángel Benzal Director Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Internet, audiovisual sector, film industry, digital technologies, intellectual property,


This article is about the crossroads at which the audiovisual sector is at present asa result of the emergence of new distribution models, starting with the unstoppable advance of digital technologies and the expansion of the Internet. And, it’s not only about their obvious progress, but also the ways in which this has come about, pointing towards an uncertain consolidation of business models which, at the moment,seem unstable.To conduct this analysis, the article examines the situation of the film industry, the evolution of the Internet since the early nineties, and especially the threats and opportunities presented by digital technology, in general, and the Internet, in particular.Finally, an evaluation is provided about what all of this means for the evolution of the protection of intellectual property rights and the distribution of audiovisual works via the Internet.

Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Benzal Director, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Director General

Entidad de Gestión EGEDA


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How to Cite

Benzal Director, M. Ángel. (2012). Audiovisual industry and digital markets. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (78), 39–56. Retrieved from