The transfer of rights of visual creators in the network, some issues


  • Javier Gutierrez Vicén Universidad Pontificia Comillas


open access initiative, free culture, copyleft, creative commons licenses, copyright, author right, collective management, visual creators, on line art, VEGAP


This article presents a series of notes which invite to reflect on the “disguised” reality hidden behind the so called free access to works protected by copyright. It also analyzes the technical-legal defects posed by creative commons licenses, aswell as the solution offered by collective management as regards the management ofcopyrights within the digital environment.

Author Biography

Javier Gutierrez Vicén, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Abogado. Director General

Entidad de Gestión VEGAP



How to Cite

Gutierrez Vicén, J. (2012). The transfer of rights of visual creators in the network, some issues. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (78), 71–84. Retrieved from