Precautionary measures to defend copyright


  • José Luis Concepción Rodríguez


measures, numerus clauses, service providers in the information society, its uprising, new means of tutelage in the community law.


The process, which has been defined as a natural time consumer, requires the existence of an instrument aimed at avoiding the irreparable damages that the delay inresolving a raised controversy can cause in the rights of the litigators themselves, being in the knowledge that, as the Justice Tribunal of Luxembourg has recalled, He who is right should not be harmed by the process necessary to make this righteousnessknown.Whether the circumstances existing at the time of the process are either conservativeor anticipatory of the execution of a possible estimated sentence, the measures of prevention seem to be the most adequate answer to such a point that the seculardelay that was existing in the recent times in many jurisdictions, has resulted in thatthe administered justice in our country is a genuine guardian of prevention.

Author Biography

José Luis Concepción Rodríguez

Presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Castilla y León


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How to Cite

Concepción Rodríguez, J. L. (2012). Precautionary measures to defend copyright. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (78), 103–134. Retrieved from