Authorship and orphan works


  • Ana Vizcarra Parrilla Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Authorship, copyright, create, paternity right, orphan works, reproduction right, the Berne Convention.


The authorship is a basic element of the continental copyright system and thereare a number of laws dealing with their protection and respect for the author and creator of the original work. New technologies give rise to different approaches interms of protection of works in the digital environment. The emergence of so-calledorphan works has become the new object of study, both nationally and internationally,due to the amount of works that can be covered under this unfortunate conceptof “orphan works“.

Author Biography

Ana Vizcarra Parrilla, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Titulada en Master Oficial en Propiedad Intelectual


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How to Cite

Vizcarra Parrilla, A. (2012). Authorship and orphan works. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (78), 161–175. Retrieved from