The European system of self-discipline in electronic commerce: code of conduct Euro-Label


  • David López Jiménez Universidad de Sevilla


autorregulación, códigos de conducta, comercio electrónico, confianza, publicidad interactiva.


The e-commerce represents a commercial activity of considerable upsurge. Nevertheless, there are certain factors that prevent its take-off and effective consolidation. One of them is, justly, the potential lack of consumer confidence. However, certain instruments have been recently created -like codes of conduct-, in order tomitigate and, if it is possible, eradicate the factors that cause distrust through a relatively significant improvement of the applicable legislation. The code of conduct Euro-Label stands out from the variety of codes of conduct that are currently used ine-commerce.

Author Biography

David López Jiménez, Universidad de Sevilla

Becario de investigación del Ministerio de Educación


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How to Cite

López Jiménez, D. (2012). The European system of self-discipline in electronic commerce: code of conduct Euro-Label. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (77), 263–280. Retrieved from


