The international foray researchers Spanish in technology and innovation


  • Beatriz Junquera Cimadevilla Universidad de Oviedo
  • María Mitre Aranda Escuela Universitaria Jovellanos Universidad de Oviedo La Laboral


bibliometric analysis, technology management, research policy, innovation


The primary aim of this paper is to assess the contribution to the international literature of Spanish scientific production in the field of innovation and technology management. For this purpose 129 articles published in the last decade in the most prestigious international journals in this field have been evaluated. From this analysis we have concluded that there has been positive evolution from 1995 to the present time, as much from a qualitative as from a quantitative point of view. Also, we have found that research in this field is concentrated fundamentally on a reduced group of universities that nevertheless do not focus exclusively on one or a fewresearch subjects, but on a wide range thereof.

Author Biographies

Beatriz Junquera Cimadevilla, Universidad de Oviedo

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

María Mitre Aranda, Escuela Universitaria Jovellanos Universidad de Oviedo La Laboral

Departamento de Administración de Empresas


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How to Cite

Junquera Cimadevilla, B., & Mitre Aranda, M. (2012). The international foray researchers Spanish in technology and innovation. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (77), 281–317. Retrieved from


