How to (re) invent the Welfare State in Spain?


  • José Luis Rey Pérez Área de Filosofía de Derecho.Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Pontificia Comililas


Welfare State, social policies, labour market, workfare, social rights


In this paper, Welfare State is understood as a system of guarantees of social rights. The advantages and disadvantages of conditionality or unconditionality,
of universalism or selectivism of social policies are studied in the context of economic crisis and, in concrete, of the Spanish case. In addition it is argued that a Welfare State must contain policies that protect families and which are the best conditions to carry this out. Lastly, it is argued that welfare institutions might come through the employment centered view and some ideas are proposed to make possible the future of welfare policies in Spain.


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How to Cite

Pérez, J. L. R. (2014). How to (re) invent the Welfare State in Spain?. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (90), 11–44. Retrieved from